sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Para perguntar

Demorei mas voltei com as perguntas para fazer com as Host Families. Assim como o outro post, não tem tudo, sempre acabam surgindo outras perguntas dependendo do que a família disser ou te perguntar. Assim como o outro, essas foram perguntas que eu garimpei por milhões de blogs, comunidades e grupos. Lembrando que é sempre bom (na verdade acho essencial) que se comece perguntando tuudo possível sobre as kids pra depois perguntar sobre regras e benefícios.

About the kids

How many children are there?
What are their names?
How old are they?
What forms of discipline the parents use?
What they consider to be most challenging about your children?
Tell me about your kids – their personalities, likes/dislikes, relationship with the previous Au Pairs and with each other.
Are they energetic or calm kids?
Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking yet?
Are they potty trained?
Are they in the school? How far is the school?
How they go to school, by bus? Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car?
Do they do some sports activities?
Do they cheer for any soccer, footbal, baseball or any other team? If yes, which one?
What are their favorite games and toys?
Is there any game that the children are not allowed to play?
Are there some toys which require more strict supervision than others?
Do they like arts and crafts, painting, drawing etc?
What are their typical activities? (outdoor, indoor)
Are they allowed to watch TV? If yes, do they have a favorite character?
Do they like music? What kind?
What do they like to do in their free time?
Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?
What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch)
At what time do the children normally eat?
Do the children have a favorite food?
Is there any kind of food that they don't eat?
Do the children nap? If so, when and for how long?
What time do they wake up?
What time do they go to bed?
Do they use do go to playdates?
Can the kids go only to certain friends house?
Do they believe in Santa, Easter Bunny and things like that? How is it works in your house?
Do they like to read or listen to books histories? What kind?
What they usualy do in raining or snowing days?
Could we discuss any other useful information you think I ought to know about the children?
Please review with me some of your specific child safety rules, both for when we are at home and when out of the house.

About the au pair duties

Will I be asked to prepare meals for the kids? What type of food does the family eat? Would the family like me to prepare meals from my country?
Are there specific recipes you can learn to cook before you arrive? (A great idea is to prepare a recipe book or menu of meals you would be willing to cook for the children.)
Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
What kind of activities will you expect me to do with the children?
What will my schedule be like?
What will be my responsibilities with each kid?

About the parents

What is your names? How old are you?
Do the both parents work?
Where do you work and what do you do?
What are your typical working hours?
Do you have any religion?
Why are you interested in getting an au Pair? What are you looking for in an au pair?
Have you ever had an au pair before? If so, is she living with you yet? Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?
Have you had an au pair from my country before?
How do you see au pair fitting into your family? How do your expect au pair to spend her free time? What are the most important rules the au pair should know about?
What is one problem you had with your previous au pair? How did you handle it? How can we avoid having similar problems?
How do the children feel about a new au pair joining the family? Did you have a good relationship with your last au pair?
What are the house's rules?
Do any of you use to go for business travels? If yes, how often?
Do you use to take the Au Pair to your family vacation?
What is your typical day like??
What types of activities does the family participate in? What does the family do on weekends?
Do you like sports, movies, computers, etc?
What are your hobbies?
Do family members or relatives live nearby?
How long have you lived in that state?
Where have you lived before?
Have you ever been to overseas? Did you like it?
Have you know anyting about Brazil?
I have a tatoo on my back…are you ok with this? (Essa é particular minha, mas pra quem tiver "problemas" semelhantes é bom perguntar, já que na APIA, pelo menos, não tem nenhuma pergunta sobre tatoos e piercings)

About the home/city

Tell me about the area you live in (town, near big city, colleges around, transportation, shopping, cluster, LCC)
Is there a library, a movie teather and/or a cafeteria in your town? (Because that's the three places that I like the most) (Outra particular minha)
Is it too cold in the city? Snow there?
Do you live in house or apartment?
Do you have pets?
Do you have a housekeeper?
What are your favorite things about where you live and least favorite things.
What time is dinner in your house?
What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
Are there other families with children nearby?
Are there any other au pairs in the area?
What things are there to do with the children?
Are there areas the children like to visit?
Where can I find public transportation and where does it go?

About the benefits

What will be my curfew? What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends?
Will I have access to internet? In my room?
Will I have a private room, bathroom? Will I have TV in my room?
When I'll have free time?
Can I receive and make phone calls in your house?
Will I have time to study? What time? Can I study when the children are in the school?
Are there any English Schools near your house?
Could you please write down a clear list of things I will be responsible for?
Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far?
Is a state driver's license required?
Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
Can I use the car in my free time?
Will I have to pay for the gas when I use the car?

Para se perguntar pra atual au pair:

What do you think about the family? And the kids?
Are they nice with you?
Do you ever had an issue with your hosts?
Do they pay you weekly or per month?
They gave you a cellphone?
Do you do extra work? I mean, if you work for other people, take care of their kids or clean the garden from neighborhood?
Do you have many weekends off?
Do you do any course? If so, are the courses near from the house?
Is there any cool near place to go there?
Do you have more pictures of them, their home and your room to show me?
What do you most like to do in your free time?
What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?
And what you would like to receive as a gift?
How is the LCC? Is she helpful?

Espero que ajude! :)
Beijoos e até a próxima!

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