quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

Agora é esperar!

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Vim aqui para contar que finalmente entreguei meu app. Yeeeey!
Sexta fui la na Experimento entregar tudo e fazer o Itep, a entrevista e o teste psicológico. Mas no fim não pude entregar tudo porque minhas referencia tinham que assinar a tradução também, coisa que eu não sabia. Entou tô contando que entreguei o app na segunda (24/10), vamos ver quanto tempo demoro para ficar online. Mas de qualquer forma, minha agente já falou que eles só enviam os documentos pra SP nas sextas-feiras, então tenho que ver é quanto tempo demora em SP e na APIA.
Sobre os testes, primeiro eu fiz a entrevista com a agente, claaaro que eu tava morrendo de nervosismo antes porque  fazer teste de qualquer coisa nunca é fácil, mas é mais uma conversa (em inglês, obvio), não lembro quais são as perguntas exatamente, mas são umas 15, e ela foi emendando uma na outra. Ai ela falou pra eu fazer o teste psicológico primeiro, porque tinha uma outra menina sendo atendida la na agência e que talvez ela ja tivesse ido embora na hora que eu terminasse para fazer o Itep mais tranquila. Gente, MAIOR erro da vida! A titulo de entendimento, a agência aqui é só uma sala aberta com uma mesa seguida da outra, então todo mundo se ouve e é ouvido. Eu fiz o teste boring psicológico com a outra menina sendo atendida do meu atras de mim, super tranquilo, eu consigo super me concentrar nas coisas. Ele é exatamente daquele jeito que a gente lê por ai, grande (260 questões, eu acho) e cheio de perguntas repetidas com palavras diferentes. Dai fui fazer o Itep. Achei o listening beem tranquilo, tem que prestar atenção, claro, principalmente no audio em que se tem que responder 5 questões sobre ele, mas não é nada que mate e eu achei as opções até meio bobas. Quando chegou a hora do mais temido por mim, o speaking, a menina já tinha ido embora e todo mundo tava trabalhando normal, num silêncio absoluto! Gente e meu nervoso de começar a falar do nada com o computador com a sala toda me ouvindo?? Serio, como eu queria ter feito quando a menina ainda estava la e todo mundo tava prestando atenção nela. Não sei se vocês me entendem, mas pra mim foi um terror. Ainda mais com aqueles segundos para pensar passando na sua cara e você sem conseguir pensar em uma resposta nem em português, quem dirá em ingles! Foi hell total pra mim esse speaking. To morrendo de medo do resultado! E agora fico aqui só remoendo ótimas respostas para as perguntas, tendo assim, certeza que eu poderia ter me saido MUITO melhor. Mas enfim, vamos esperar pelo resultado! (dando F5 forever!)

Não gente, não faz isso, não é saudável!

Sobre o video, resolvi não postar ele aqui, por vários motivos. Mas ele ficou com 3min e 8 seg, e até que no fim eu gostei. Ficou meio que do jeito que eu queria, vamos ver se vai ser aprovado.

Volto com as novidades! :)

quinta-feira, 13 de outubro de 2011

Luz, câmera, ação!

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Como vocês ja devem ter percebido pelo titulo infeliz, esse post é pra falar sobre o temido vídeo.
Não sei vocês, mas eu tenho pavor de câmera, sempre que eu estou filmando alguma coisa ou quando estou sendo filmada eu evito AO MAXIMO falar qualquer coisa que seja. O motivo disso é que eu detesto a minha voz de criancinha em vídeo, tenho pavoor, então imaginem meu desespero pra fazer esse vídeo! E o fato de ser em inglês obvio, só complica as coisas.

Eu ainda não fiz o meu, mas a quase um ano eu faço "workshop" vendo um billhão de videos, comparando e decidindo o que EU não gosto e o que EU gosto. Tem gente que fala basicamente o que ta na carta, tem gente que improvisa, tem gente que não fala nada com nada, tem gente que filma na cama, tem gente que filma ao ar livre e eu juro que ja vi um que era só a menina cozinhando, sem falar nada e mostrar mais nada, bizarro. Claro que a gente sempre lê as instruções para um bom vídeo, tem as instruções da agência e as instruções em vários blogs, mas sabe o que eu acho mais importante? Passar o que você é, porque é isso que a família quer ver, e se identificar. Não adianta fazer um vídeo cheio de pompa se isso não tem nada a ver. Então acho que é legal mostrar e falar tudo que você quer que a família saiba de você, isso em no máximo 3 minutos, claro, porque se não fica boring.

Eu fiz um roteirozinho para o meu, com o que eu quero falar e o que eu quero acrescentar na edição. Lembrando que é importante que não se leia, e preferencialmente não decore suas falas, e sim a ideia, porque dai não fica artificial. O que falta do meu video na verdade, é só a parte falada, que é a mais importante, e que claro é o que a gente sempre deixa pra ultima hora. Apesar do que a maioria recomenta, eu decidi colocar varias fotos no meu vídeo, isso porque o app da APIA só nos permite colocar 8 fotos, sem ser montagem. Não da NUNCA pra mostrar tudo que eu queria só com isso. Mas alem das fotos, também coloquei pequenos videos meus com crianças tipo cantando, brincando, nadando e coisas do tipo, isso tudo bem rapidinho e intercalado com minhas falas. Espero que fique bom! Por enquanto, sem minhas falas, eu to achando lindo, mas algo me diz que depois eu vou ficar com vergonha dele! rsrs

Vou tentar fazer ele hoje, dependendo eu volto aqui e mostro para o mundo!

See ya! :)

sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Para perguntar

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Demorei mas voltei com as perguntas para fazer com as Host Families. Assim como o outro post, não tem tudo, sempre acabam surgindo outras perguntas dependendo do que a família disser ou te perguntar. Assim como o outro, essas foram perguntas que eu garimpei por milhões de blogs, comunidades e grupos. Lembrando que é sempre bom (na verdade acho essencial) que se comece perguntando tuudo possível sobre as kids pra depois perguntar sobre regras e benefícios.

About the kids

How many children are there?
What are their names?
How old are they?
What forms of discipline the parents use?
What they consider to be most challenging about your children?
Tell me about your kids – their personalities, likes/dislikes, relationship with the previous Au Pairs and with each other.
Are they energetic or calm kids?
Se a criança for bebê: Is she/he walking and talking yet?
Are they potty trained?
Are they in the school? How far is the school?
How they go to school, by bus? Am I gonna be supposed to take them to school by car?
Do they do some sports activities?
Do they cheer for any soccer, footbal, baseball or any other team? If yes, which one?
What are their favorite games and toys?
Is there any game that the children are not allowed to play?
Are there some toys which require more strict supervision than others?
Do they like arts and crafts, painting, drawing etc?
What are their typical activities? (outdoor, indoor)
Are they allowed to watch TV? If yes, do they have a favorite character?
Do they like music? What kind?
What do they like to do in their free time?
Have the kids suffer from any kind of allergies?
What do they usually eat? (for breakfast and lunch)
At what time do the children normally eat?
Do the children have a favorite food?
Is there any kind of food that they don't eat?
Do the children nap? If so, when and for how long?
What time do they wake up?
What time do they go to bed?
Do they use do go to playdates?
Can the kids go only to certain friends house?
Do they believe in Santa, Easter Bunny and things like that? How is it works in your house?
Do they like to read or listen to books histories? What kind?
What they usualy do in raining or snowing days?
Could we discuss any other useful information you think I ought to know about the children?
Please review with me some of your specific child safety rules, both for when we are at home and when out of the house.

About the au pair duties

Will I be asked to prepare meals for the kids? What type of food does the family eat? Would the family like me to prepare meals from my country?
Are there specific recipes you can learn to cook before you arrive? (A great idea is to prepare a recipe book or menu of meals you would be willing to cook for the children.)
Will I be responsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
What kind of activities will you expect me to do with the children?
What will my schedule be like?
What will be my responsibilities with each kid?

About the parents

What is your names? How old are you?
Do the both parents work?
Where do you work and what do you do?
What are your typical working hours?
Do you have any religion?
Why are you interested in getting an au Pair? What are you looking for in an au pair?
Have you ever had an au pair before? If so, is she living with you yet? Would you mind if I ask you to talk to her or send her an e-mail?
Have you had an au pair from my country before?
How do you see au pair fitting into your family? How do your expect au pair to spend her free time? What are the most important rules the au pair should know about?
What is one problem you had with your previous au pair? How did you handle it? How can we avoid having similar problems?
How do the children feel about a new au pair joining the family? Did you have a good relationship with your last au pair?
What are the house's rules?
Do any of you use to go for business travels? If yes, how often?
Do you use to take the Au Pair to your family vacation?
What is your typical day like??
What types of activities does the family participate in? What does the family do on weekends?
Do you like sports, movies, computers, etc?
What are your hobbies?
Do family members or relatives live nearby?
How long have you lived in that state?
Where have you lived before?
Have you ever been to overseas? Did you like it?
Have you know anyting about Brazil?
I have a tatoo on my back…are you ok with this? (Essa é particular minha, mas pra quem tiver "problemas" semelhantes é bom perguntar, já que na APIA, pelo menos, não tem nenhuma pergunta sobre tatoos e piercings)

About the home/city

Tell me about the area you live in (town, near big city, colleges around, transportation, shopping, cluster, LCC)
Is there a library, a movie teather and/or a cafeteria in your town? (Because that's the three places that I like the most) (Outra particular minha)
Is it too cold in the city? Snow there?
Do you live in house or apartment?
Do you have pets?
Do you have a housekeeper?
What are your favorite things about where you live and least favorite things.
What time is dinner in your house?
What about the au pair's bedroom, what part of the house is the bedroom located?
Are there other families with children nearby?
Are there any other au pairs in the area?
What things are there to do with the children?
Are there areas the children like to visit?
Where can I find public transportation and where does it go?

About the benefits

What will be my curfew? What time can I get home during the week and on the weekends?
Will I have access to internet? In my room?
Will I have a private room, bathroom? Will I have TV in my room?
When I'll have free time?
Can I receive and make phone calls in your house?
Will I have time to study? What time? Can I study when the children are in the school?
Are there any English Schools near your house?
Could you please write down a clear list of things I will be responsible for?
Will I have permission to use the car? How often? How far?
Is a state driver's license required?
Are there only certain times when I can use the car?
Can I use the car in my free time?
Will I have to pay for the gas when I use the car?

Para se perguntar pra atual au pair:

What do you think about the family? And the kids?
Are they nice with you?
Do you ever had an issue with your hosts?
Do they pay you weekly or per month?
They gave you a cellphone?
Do you do extra work? I mean, if you work for other people, take care of their kids or clean the garden from neighborhood?
Do you have many weekends off?
Do you do any course? If so, are the courses near from the house?
Is there any cool near place to go there?
Do you have more pictures of them, their home and your room to show me?
What do you most like to do in your free time?
What do you think they would like to receive as a gift?
And what you would like to receive as a gift?
How is the LCC? Is she helpful?

Espero que ajude! :)
Beijoos e até a próxima!

sábado, 1 de outubro de 2011

Para responder

2 comentários

Já que infelizmente estou sem novidades, resolvi fazer um post utilidade publica. Eu leio um zilhão de blogs, a uns dois anos, e nesse tempo eu fui salvando tudo de bacana que via. Dai resolvi fazer uma compilação de todas as possíveis perguntas que as host families podem nos fazer que ja vi por ai e uma forma deles avaliarem nosso application (o que foi ótimo para eu prestar mais atenção ao que estava escrevendo). Tudo tirado de vários posts do aupairmom (que alias, vale super a pena ser lido de cabo a rabo, principalmente os comentários, que são a essência do blog) e de outros inúmeros blogs por ai.

Ai vai:

Au Pair Interview questions and Application Evaluation

1. Competency – learned by reviewing application
2. Character – learned by asking key questions
3. Chemistry – learned through skype/webcam session

1. Competency

Review childcare experience:
  •  Daycare? Siblings? Babysitting? Nanny? Full Time? Part-time?
  • Teacher? Employer? Family Friend? Friend?
Employment Experience:
  • Has a job? Has held a paying job before?
  • College? Just high school? Special training (camp counselor, soccer coach)?
  • Pictures of family? Pictures of babies? No pictures of friends? Pictures of him/her swigging from a beer bottle?
  • What do the parents do for a living? Does the mother work? Are they educators or professionals (medical, lawyer etc)?
  • How many siblings are there? Are the siblings younger or older? Much younger or older?
  • History of divorce, family trauma?
  • Does the essay talk a lot about travel and social activities or does it focus on family and caring for children?
  • Does the applicant have dietary restrictions? Any foods she will not prepare?

2. Character

Myself, family and friends (personality, character, habits)
  • What values did you parents teach you as being most important in life?
  • What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you?
  • How are your relationship with your family and friends?
  • Are you close with your siblings?
  • How did you hear about the program and who suggested that you become an aupair ?
  • Do you have relatives in the US? Do you know anyone in the US?
  • Is religion important to you?
  • Are you a morning person? Are you able to start your day early?
  • What is your favorite time in the day and why?
  • Do you have a housekeeper? Do you have duties at home? Please explain what your duties are
  • Have you had a job before? Tell us about your job: what you did? What where the challenges? What did you like? How long did you work there? Why did you quit?
  • How do you handle conflict with your parents?
  • How do you like to keep your room at home?
  • What is your biggest strength/weakness?
  • What is your biggest concern or fear about becoming an au pair?
  • Why do you want to come to the USA and what are your plans when you go back to your home country?
  • Do you have a maid at home?
  • What are your expectations for the home that you will live in as an au pair? Will you be uncomfortable if the home is not perfectly clean at all times?
  • Have you had any prior lengthy illnesses?
  • How much sleep do you need to feel rested?
  • How do you plan to spend your time when you’re not working?
  • What is your best and worst memory of your family life?
  • Do you want to be like a roommate or do you want to be like a member of the host family? A roommate socializes outside of the home most nights and weekend with friends. A member of the family eats dinner at home each night and spends time at home on the weekends and watches movies with the host family in the evening.
  • How do you make friends?
  • Do you enjoy playing with dogs and are you comfortable with them?
  • What do you think is most exciting thing about coming to the US as an au pair?
  • What are you looking for in a host family? What are your expectations?
  •  What do you like most about yourself?
  • What is your favorite food?
  • What is your favorite holiday and why?
  •  What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Where and what do you usually do with your friends?
  •  What are the people you like the most and why?
  • Do you have curfew at your house? At what time?
  • What do you think is the most important responsibility of your job as an au pair?
  • Why do you think you will be happy with us?
  • How will you ensure to achieve your goals?
  •  Who is your role model and why?
  • What do you dislike the most?
  • What makes you uncomfortable? 
  • What makes you laugh? 
  • What would you like to share with your dearest friends?
Childcare experience
  • If the baby is crying and hurt, the 3 and the 4 year old are fighting and the doorbell rings – how would you handle that situation?
  • The child you are looking after is just learning to walk. She is walking on a concrete sidewalk and falls forward and hits her head. Her head is cut and bleeding heavily. She is crying hysterically and is very upset because she is in pain and is scared. How do you handle this?
  • Have you ever clipped a baby’s fingernails or toenails?
  • What age children do you prefer to take care of?
  • What kind of role do you want to have with the children? A playmate? A teacher? A parent? How would you go about these roles?
  • How do you envision your day taking care of our kids?
  • What type of children personality do you enjoy or connect with?
  • What do you think children like about you?
  • How do you approach children and get them comfortable?
  •  Tell me a situation when you had to ask for help with a child in your care
  • Do you want to have children in the future? What activities would you do with our children?
  • What do you like most about taking care of toddlers?
  • What kind of activities would you like to plan with toddlers?
  •  Children do not always listen to their parents or their au pair. What will you do if my child just won¹t listen to you?
  •  What do you think my kids most need from their au pair?
Driving experience
  • How long have you driven?
  • In whose car did you practice for your DL exam?
  • When did you start practicing for your DL exam?
  • When does your driving license expire?
  • What kind of roads do you typically drive on?
  • Do you have experience driving in heavy traffic?
  • Do you own your own car?
  • Does your family own a car?
  • Do you drive often, how often?
  • Have you ever driven alone in a car? How often do you do this?
  • Are you OK driving long distances to travel?
  • What kind of cars have you driven?
  • Have you ever driven a “minivan” or “van” or “SUV” type of car?
  • Do you usually drive an automatic transmission or manual transmission?
  • Have you ever driven a manual transmission (“Stick shift”) car?
  • Have you ever driven with children in the car?
  • What is the furthest distance you have ever driven?
  • What kind of bad weather have you driven in? (snow? heavy rain?)
  • Have you ever driven on icy roads?
  • Have you ever used a GPS?
  • When you need to figure out how to drive to somewhere, how do you get directions?
  • Have you ever gotten lost while driving? If so, what did you do?
  • Have you driven with friends?
  • Have you ever been on a road trip with a friend?
  • What is your best driving habit?
  • What is your worst driving habit?
  • Have you driven at night?
  • How often do you drive at night?
  • How is driving at nighttime different from driving during the daytime?
  • Do your mother and/or father have driving licenses?
  • Do your siblings (if any) have driving licenses?
  • Have you looked at the X State Driving license website that I sent you?
  • Do you understand the kind of questions that will be on the written test?
  • What are the usual speed limits on the roads you drive on?
  • Is it typical, or the law, in your country to use seatbelts?
  • How often do you wear a seatbelt when driving?
  • Do passengers in your car wear seatbelts?
  • What do you do if a passenger in your car does not want to wear a seatbelt?
  • Is it typical in your country/town to use “car seats” (baby and child restraint seats) for children?
  • Have you ever put a child in a car seat?
  • What would you do if you were driving with a child and the child unbuckled its seatbelt or got out of the child car seat?
  • Is it illegal in your country to drink alcohol and drive a car?
 Bom, pra quem teve paciência de ler até aqui, parabéns! Eu resolvi imprimi isso tudo, que ai eu leio com cuidado e penso nas respostas, não para decorar ou mentir, mas pra não ser tão pega de surpresa. Claro que não é tudo, mas ja ajuda. :)

Essa semana eu volto com as perguntas que a gente pode e deve fazer para as families, que eu tambem vou fazer essa compilação.
